
An important question in neuroscience is how a brain, which is composed of neurons operating at the fast timescale of milliseconds, manages to retain information and generate behaviors with longer timescales of seconds and minutes. My current research at Portugues lab @TUM aims to understand neural circuit mechanisms underlying longer-timescale behaviors using the larval zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model system. The larval zebrafish is one of the smallest vertebrate model organisms used in neuroscience with the body length of 4 mm and only about 100k neurons in their brain (as compared to 70M in mice and 90B in humans). In addition to their small size, the optical accessibility of their brains, as well as their genetic tractability make the zebrafish larvae amenable to various cutting edge experimental approaches, such as brain-wide calcium imaging, optogenetics, and EM-based circuit reconstructions. Currently, I am studying how the fish brain keeps track of its orientation in the environment by combining two-photon microscopy and immersive virtual reality setups. I believe that obtaining a detailed, mechanistic understanding of fish brains is a promissing avenue towards better understanding of our own minds.

During my PhD, I studied visual feature detection and their behavioral functions in the fruit fly Drosophila at Clark lab @Yale. My aspiration there was to bridge "why" flies need to see certain things, "what" computation their brains perform to see what they need to see, and "how" such computations are actually achieved by circuits of neurons, which together consitute canonical criteria of understanding in neuroscience. You can find my thesis here to check for yourself if I lived up to this lofty goal.

During my undergrad and master's, I studied perception in human subjects at Yotsumoto lab @UTokyo, where I was initiated into the world of research.

You can find my Google Scholar profile here.


Fish works

Fly works

Human works

Comparative works